Join us over in the Shelf Help Club App to watch and discuss The Power of the Heart, a documentary-drama from the director of The Secret about the astonishing power and intelligence of your heart.
About the show
"Featuring stunning science interwoven with powerful real-life stories from some of the most inspiring icons of our age (including Maya Angelou, Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra) this timeless documentary will lead you to uncover... and rediscover... the treasure in your chest."
Access the film
There are various ways to download and watch - including Gaia, Amazon and Vimeo - depending on where on the world you are. Check out the website for full details >
Join us
(Text) chat starts from 6.30pm and we’ll be pressing PLAY at 7pm.
(NB you’ll need to be added to the Messenger Group so please tell us you want to join via the Comments/RSVP section on the Event)